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Empowering Children Through Yoga

The journey began with Simon Kerle, the visionary behind Yoga Bears Kids Yoga, pondering the benefits he reaped from his yoga practice. The question echoed in his mind: "Why not extend these advantages to children?" Fast forward to 2023 and Grow Early Education to date has eight (8) of its long day care centres across […]

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

From the 13th to the 19th of November this year, National Recycling Week took centre stage at our Grow Early Education centres. As is customary every year, our long day care centres actively participated in this event and utilised it as an important tool for educating the children in our care about reducing waste. Initiated […]

Nurturing Young Minds for a Brighter Future

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, early childhood Educators are tasked with shaping the minds of the future generation. This responsibility goes far beyond imparting knowledge; it involves fostering critical thinking, empathy, and adaptability. One powerful tool that aids in this process is critical reflection. At Grow Early Education, we believe that it is vital […]

Supporting Children as They Grow

Children’s Week is an annual event in Australia, which celebrates the right of children to enjoy childhood. It is also a time for children to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities! As early childhood education providers, Grow Early Education is privileged to partner every day with families to celebrate and support children.  It is also […]

It’s National Nutrition Week!

Say hello to carrots, capsicum and cauliflower! From October 15th to 21st 2023, it’s time to pay tribute to vegetables and the important role they can play in our health and wellbeing. Nutrition Week is all about encouraging Australians to learn about making healthy food and lifestyle choices to improve their overall health. As an […]

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